Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall planting season is upon us!

Well everyone, looks like the fall planting season is upon us! Now is the time to overseed your yard to establish a beautiful lawn next spring. From now through most of October is the perfect time to seed, fertilize and if needed, put down lime to correct the pH level of your soil. We have a variety of fertilizers available to suit most conditions as well as many different turf gass seed types. Bring in a small sample of your soil (about 1/2 pint) and we will test the pH for free.

Bob King, Owner
Seaboard ACE Hardware


  1. Very cool, I'd love to get my soil tested. Here are some pics from the Deck we built over Spring and Summer

  2. Hi Les,
    I have been checking the blog for comments and just realized I had to go to a moderator page to publish. Bring in a sample anytime and we will test it back at the service desk. Anyone in the store can do it for you. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.
    Cool pics of the deck. I especially like the one of the chickens and the cat!

  3. The Holidays are just around the corner and so is the cold weather. Planting of your lawn should now consist of only Rye grass, either periennial or annual. You can also lime your yard and spread a winterizer fertilizer to build a strong root system for that beautiful early spring yard.
